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Higher transparency across your supply chain and have a better control on your procurement.

Warehouse shipments:

  • Allows for the creation of orders for internal purposes, such as testing put-away for production output, without using a source document

  • Effectively process more order like picking, packing, and shipping


Internal and directed pick ups and put-away:

  • Effectively process more orders like picking, packing, and shipping.

  • Manage warehouse shipments from a separate user interface in a multi-order environment by using warehouse receipts.


  • Use worksheet to move items between bins to optimizes the picking process and the use of space.

  • Reduce time and cost required for standard procedures.

  • Minimize manual errors.


Maintains highly accurate figures for quantities on hand, on order, and available to sell.


  • Maintains highly accurate figures for quantities on hand, on order, and available to sell

  • Organize your warehouse by assigning items, and it is the smallest unit in the warehouse logical structure.

  • Enables centralized control and visibility of all warehousing procedures.

  • Real time updates of all stock in/out levels.

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Warehouse shipment

  • It can create pick and put-away orders for internal purposes.

  • Steamline receiving and expedite shipping.

Warehouse recepit

  • Manage receipts from a separate user interface in a multi-order environment.

  • Create a put-away tasks directly from warehouse receipts or use put-away worksheet to create multiple put away tasks.

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